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Cold Steel美国冷钢坚持所生产的刀都必须是高性能的,所有型号皆须符合这个要求。每一把刀的性能都物超所值。每一项条件都被精研至所有细节,以达到各种刀子各项特殊用途的最佳整合效果。经常与美国、日本、南非等业界知名的设计师合作开发产品。

Cold Steel has pioneered new materials and designs that have helped to shape the world of the modern knife, edged weapons and tools.




Tough, durable, and solid is what should come to mind when you hear Cold Steel. They offer a wide variety of knives, from karambits, folding, assisted, fixed, and much more. Many of the Cold Steel folders feature their patented Tri-Ad lock. The nice thing about this lock is that it requires very little maintenance.